Advanced Theming

Now that you understand how to use Chakra UI theming API. Let's take a step further and see if we can adapt a component to color mode.

When defining the styles for the sizes or variants, you can either pass a style object or a function that returns a style object.

Single Part Component#

For a single part component like button, badge, etc. The style configuration has the following signature:

type StyleInterpolation = StyleObject | ((options: StyleOptions) => StyleObject)
interface StyleOptions {
theme: Theme
colorMode: "light" | "dark"
colorScheme: string
interface StyleConfig {
baseStyle: StyleInterpolation
sizes: { [size: string]: StyleInterpolation }
variants: { [variant: string]: StyleInterpolation }
defaultProps?: {
variant: string
size: string

For example, to create a simple badge that changes its background based on color mode. Here's how to go about it.

import { extendTheme } from "@chakra-ui/react"
// 1. define component configuration
const components = {
CustomBadge: {
baseStyle: ({ colorMode }) => ({
bg: colorMode === "dark" ? "green.300" : "green.500",
color: colorMode === "dark" ? "gray.800" : "white",
textTransform: "uppercase",
fontWeight: "semibold",
letterSpacing: "0.02em",
padding: "4px",
borderRadius: "2px",
fontSize: "12px",
// 2. Call `extendTheme` and pass your custom values`
const theme = extendTheme({ components })
// 3. Use it in your components
function CustomBadge(props) {
const { size, variant, } = props
const styles = useStyleConfig("CustomBadge", { size, variant })
return <Box as="span" sx={styles} {} />
// 4. Use the component
render(<CustomBadge>I am a custom badge</CustomBadge>)

Multipart or Composite Component#

When it comes to multipart components for example tabs or menus etc, that have multiple sub-parts, you can also style them based on the color mode. Here's the signature:

type StyleInterpolation =
| { [part: string]: SystemStyleObject }
| ((options: StyleOptions) => { [part: string]: SystemStyleObject })
interface StyleOptions {
theme: Theme
colorMode: "light" | "dark"
colorScheme: string
interface StyleConfig {
baseStyle: StyleInterpolation
sizes: { [size: string]: StyleInterpolation }
variants: { [variant: string]: StyleInterpolation }
defaultProps?: {
variant: string
size: string
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