
An accessible tabs component that provides keyboard interactions and ARIA attributes described in the WAI-ARIA Tabs Design Pattern.


import { Tabs, TabList, TabPanels, Tab, TabPanel } from "@chakra-ui/react"
  • Tabs: Provides context and state for all components
  • TabList: Wrapper for the Tab components
  • Tab: element that serves as a label for one of the tab panels and can be activated to display that panel.
  • TabPanels: Wrapper for the TabPanel components
  • TabPanel: element that contains the content associated with a tab


You can render any element within Tabs, but TabList should only have Tab as children, and TabPanels should have TabPanel as children.

Tabs expects TabList and TabPanels as children. The order doesn't matter, you can have TabList at the top, at the bottom, or both.


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Tab variants and color#

Tabs come in 6 different variants to style the tabs: line,enclosed, enclosed-colored, soft-rounded, solid-rounded


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You can also change the color scheme for any specific variant by passing the colorScheme.

The value of colorScheme must exist in the theme object, and must be a key in theme.colors that has the 50 - 900 color values.


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Tab sizes#

You can change the size of the tab by passing size prop. We support 3 sizes sm, md, lg


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Changing the tabs alignment#

You can change the alignment of the TabList by passing align prop. We support 3 sizes start, center, end.


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Fitted Tabs#

Stretch the tab list to fit the container by passing isFitted prop.


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Styling the tab states via props#

In event you need to create custom styles for the tabs. Simply set the variant to unstyled, and use the _selected, _hover, _active style props.


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Tabs onChange#

The onChange callback returns the active tab's index whenever the user changes tabs. If you intend to control the tabs programmatically, use this with the index prop.

The Primary Colors
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Make a tab initially active#

If you want a tab to be initially active, simply pass the defaultIndex prop and set it to the index of that tab.

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Make a Tab disabled#

When a Tab is disabled, it is skipped during keyboard navigation and it is not clickable.

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Tabs with manual activation#

By default, Tabs are activated automatically. This means when you use the arrow keys to change tabs, the tab is activated and focused.

The content of a TabPanel should ideally be preloaded. However, if switching to a tab panel causes a network request and possibly a page refresh, there might be some noticable latency and this might affect the experience for keyboard and screen reader users.

In this scenario, you should use a manually activated tab, it moves focus without activating the tabs. With focus on a specific tab, users can activate a tab by pressing Space or Enter.


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Lazily mounting tab panels#

By default, the Tabs component renders all tabs content to the DOM, meaning that invisible tabs are still rendered but are hidden by styles.

If you want to defer rendering of each tab until that tab is selected, you can use the isLazy prop. This is useful if your tabs require heavy performance, or make network calls on mount that should only happen when the component is displayed.


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Controlled Tabs#

Like form inputs, a tab's state can be controlled. Make sure to include an onChange as well, or else the tabs will not be interactive.

Click the tabs or pull the slider around

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Creating custom tab components#

Because TabList needs to know the order of the children, we use cloneElement to pass state internally. Your custom Tab component must use React.forwardRef.

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If you'd like to drive your tabs with an array instead of using the granular components, you can create your own DataTabs component.

Perhaps the greatest dish ever invented.
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ArrowLeftMoves focus to the next tab
ArrowUpMoves focus to the previous tab
TabWhen focus moves into the tab list, places focus on the active tab element
Space or EnterActivates the tab if it was not activated automatically on focus
HomeMoves focus to the first tab
EndMoves focus to the last tab

ARIA roles#

Tabrole="tab"Indicates that it is a tab
aria-selectedSet to true a tab is selected and all other Tabs have it set to false.
aria-controlsSet to the id of its associated TabPanel
TabListidThe id of the TabPanel that's referencd by its associated Tab
aria-orientationSet to vertical or horizontal based on the value of the orientation prop.
role="tablist"Indicates that it is a tablist
aria-labelledbySet to the id of the Tab that labels the TabPanel.


Tabs Props#

Tabs composes Box so you call pass all Box related props.

align"center" | "end" | "start"The alignment of the tabs-
defaultIndexnumberThe initial index of the selected tab (in uncontrolled mode)-
idstringThe id of the tab-
indexnumberThe index of the selected tab (in controlled mode)-
isFittedbooleanIf `true`, tabs will stretch to width of the tablist.-
isLazybooleanPerformance 🚀: If `true`, the TabPanel rendering will be deferred until it is open.-
isManualbooleanIf `true`, the tabs will be manually activated and display its panel by pressing Space or Enter. If `false`, the tabs will be automatically activated and their panel is displayed when they receive focus.-
onChange((index: number) => void)Callback when the index (controlled or un-controlled) changes.-
orientation"horizontal" | "vertical"The orientation of the tab list.-

Tab Props#

isDisabledbooleanIf `true`, the `Tab` won't be toggleable-
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